Friday 6 September 2013

Jun Pyo and Jan Di marriage! Jan-Pyo -ep.1-

This is my first episode of the Jan-Pyo (Jan Di and Jun Pyo) Fan-fiction Enjoy! :)

~2 years later after Jun Pyo's proposal~

Jan Di POV

I can't believe this is really happening. I'm getting married to the man I love, Goo Jun Pyo. It wasn't easy to get to this point, there were a lot of obstacles, but...we're here. Jun Pyo's mother-oh wait no...mother wasn't easy to convince at first. She had changed to become a more loving wife and mother, but she couldn't forget everything that I had done to her. It took a lot of persuading to get to this point. I can't wait to pick out my bridal dress with Ga Eul later! -Ding!- What's that? I fished out my phone.

Jae Kyung Unnie: Haiiii little sister! I heard about you and Joon's upcoming marriage! Congrats! I'm invited,                               right? Flying over to Seoul tomorrow night! See you Jan Di! <3

Oh no. Jae Kyung unnie, I forgot about her! Stupid! I slapped myself as I quickly rang Goo Jun Pyo's phone.

JP: Geum Jan Di. Ready to ask for advice on a dress?
JD: We haven't gone yet, but oppa, I forgot about Jae Kyung unnie! Can you add her to the list?
JP: I already did. Quick go and pick out a dress! I can't believe you haven't gone! Lazy as always.
JD: You...did? Oh...okay, that's a relief. Goo Jun Pyo! How can you say that about your fiancee?
JP: Hehe.
JD: I'm hanging up.
JP: Byeee lazy
JD: Aish *hangs up*

I have to rush to the store. I'm already late! Goo Jun Pyo drives me nuts. *smiles*

Jun Pyo POV

Oh, Jan Di. I just love play fighting with you. I still can't believe you said yes to me. At one point, I thought i was going to lose you to Ji Hoo. Maybe you should have gone to him...he wouldn't have hurt you the way i did.

 *Sighs* What are you thinking, Goo Jun Pyo? Wake up! Jan Di chose just be happy about that. -Beep- A FB message from... Yoo Mi!?

Yoo Mi: Oppa, I'm really sorry i lied to you. Can we meet up?

What does this crazy chick want from me?

Jun Pyo: Aneyo. You used me when i was sick! You're crazy. Stop contacting me before i block you.
Yoo Mi: I really liked you, oppa. And you did too!

I blew my hair off my forehead in frustration.

Jun Pyo: NO i didn't. I liked you because i thought you were Jan Di! Now get lost, bugger.

I clicked "block contact" and slammed my laptop down. When i think of how that crazy imposter nearly got in the way of me and Jan makes me go crazy. Ugh.

Episode Two coming soon! Rate or comment! :)