Friday 6 September 2013

Jan-Pyo -Ep.2-

Anyo, here's episode 2 of the Jun Pyo and Jan Di series! Enjoy :)

Yoo Mi's POV

Goo Jun Pyo, I don't care how i do it but if it's the last thing that i ever do, i will make you love me.

~At the (private) Bridal Store in downtown Seoul~

Sales Assistant: Hello Ms. Jan Di and Ms. Ga Eul. Ms. Jan Di, Young Master Jun Pyo has called to inform me of your arrival. We have some unique, one-of-a-kind dresses for you to choose from. Please come this way.
Jan Di: D-dey. *Bows slightly and shoots Ga Eul a shocked look

Sales Assistant: Here miss, please take a look around. *Bows and leaves the two
Ga Eul: Jan Di!! This is so cool! It's like our own private store! *Laughs and heads off to look
Jan Di: *Smiles ruefully and looks through several dresses

Jan Di's POV

All of these dresses are so pretty, but i liked the one that i wore in the competition with Ji Hoo sunbae. *Sighs I wonder how he's doing now? He's always been the one i can count on, always there for me. He truly is my soulmate. If i wasn't with Jun Pyo, i would be with Ji Hoo. He's so kind and caring. I wonder what he meant that time when he told me that harabeoji wasn't the only reason he joined med school. He couldn't possibly mean...

"Falling asleep again, Jan Di?"

I whipped my head around.

Jan Di: S-sunbae!
Ji Hoo: *Smiles

JD: What're you doing here Sunbae?
JH: Looking for you.
JD: What?
JH: Jan Di, i have to tell you something.
JD: Sunbae...
JH: Geum Jan Di, before it's too late just let me finish my sentence this once. Geum Jan Di, saranghaeyo. I kept telling myself to get over you because you're with Jun Pyo, but i can't. I kept thinking, if only i had liked you when you had liked would have been perfect. I can't forget you Jan Di, you're my soulmate.

~At Jun Pyo's house~

Jun  Pyo's POV

I wonder if Jan Di has picked a dress yet? Maybe i should give her a call. *reaches for phone

Geum Jan Di: 01******* DIAL

You are not getting a response from the user of this phone, please try again later.

What's going on? Jan Di never doesn't answer my calls. Is she in trouble?

Jun Pyo's Mum (witch) : Jun Pyo?
Jun Pyo: *reluctantly puts down phone. what?
Witch: I just got a weird picture on my phone. It's Jan Di.
JP: What? Is she in trouble? *grabs phone from the mum
Witch: No...she's with Ji Hoo

WHAT?? she didn't answer my calls cause she was with...with Ji Hoo?

End Ep 2. Look for ep 3! :) Comment and rate pleeasee

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