Wednesday 18 December 2013

Jan-Pyo Fanfic Ep.3


Sorry I haven't posted in like...for-evah but I just got into a really busy year
back at school and I have had like zero time for myself. But anyways~here it
is!!! :)

Jan Di: S-Sunbae...what are you talking about?
Ji Hoo: It was my mistake to let you go with Jun Pyo. I should never have done
that. You're my soulmate Jan Di...not Jun Pyo's,and i will never forgive
myself if i let you go now-you will always be my biggest "what if?" So I'm telling
you now. I know that that you and Jun Pyo are on the verge of getting married
but i don't really care. I care for you too much to continue on being selfless, Jan Di.
I, I know that you'll be happy with me-happier than with Goo Jun Pyo. Don't
get me wrong, he's my best friend, heck-he's my brother, but he doesn't deserve you.
What has he ever done besides make you sad and make you cry? Nothing. He's done
nothing. I was always the one who was there by your side wiping away your tears,
letting you cry on my shoulder while he did nothing, and I'm not gonna sit here and watch
you willingly promise yourself into a life full of misery. Right here, right now, i'm taking a stand.
I will fight for you, Geum Jan Di.


Jun Pyo POV

What in the world? She's supposed to be looking at bridal dresses! Not chatting up
with Ji Hoo. No...this won't do. I've gotta stop her.

Jun Pyo: Driver! Get my coat. We're going downtown.
Driver: But sir, it's time for your press conference-
Jun Pyo: Now.
Driver: Y-yes...sir.

~10 minutes later~

Jan Di: Why are you doing this sunbae?
Ji Hoo: Jan Di, all i've ever wanted was for you to be happy.
Jan Di: I know that.
Ji Hoo: Then why won't you let me love you?
Jan Di: But i am happy, sunbae. I love Jun Pyo-he's the only man for me and i hope...I hope
you'll understand that.
Ji Hoo:Im sorry Jan Di...but for the first time, i need to start thinking about myself.

*Pulls Jan Di into a hug and enter Jun Pyo*

Jun Pyo: What...what are you DOING?
Jan Di: O-oppa!

*Ji Hoo pulls away*

Jun Pyo: Ji Hoo...what...exactly are you doing with my fiance?
Ji Hoo: *smiles and turns to walk out*
Jun Pyo: Don't walk away from me! *Grabs his shoulder and spins him around*
Ji Hoo: What are you doing? Get your hands off me!
Jun Pyo: *Punches Ji Hoo. Hard. And driver holds him back*

Ji Hoo: *Reaches up to touch his face*
Jun Pyo: That will teach you to stay away from my woman!
Jan Di: Oppa!
Ji Hoo: Goo Jun Pyo, if there is one thing i will do in my life time, it's the fact that i will never, ever stay away
from Geum Jan Di.

Aieeee!!! So muth drama!!!! :) *grins evilly* Stay tuned meh darlings! ;)


Wednesday 18 September 2013

BoF rocks.

Sorry to not have posted in like forevaaahh but my homework is piling up as the days zip by -.- hope yoi bear with me till next weekend where my next fan fic episode will be up! ;)

Friday 6 September 2013

What do I do?

Watching the video and song what do I do by Jisun and crying. Like really hard. Watch the video by strada191 what to do jisun BBF OST and I promise you will bawl your eyes out. Saddest. Video. Ever. Confirm.


Jan-Pyo -Ep.2-

Anyo, here's episode 2 of the Jun Pyo and Jan Di series! Enjoy :)

Yoo Mi's POV

Goo Jun Pyo, I don't care how i do it but if it's the last thing that i ever do, i will make you love me.

~At the (private) Bridal Store in downtown Seoul~

Sales Assistant: Hello Ms. Jan Di and Ms. Ga Eul. Ms. Jan Di, Young Master Jun Pyo has called to inform me of your arrival. We have some unique, one-of-a-kind dresses for you to choose from. Please come this way.
Jan Di: D-dey. *Bows slightly and shoots Ga Eul a shocked look

Sales Assistant: Here miss, please take a look around. *Bows and leaves the two
Ga Eul: Jan Di!! This is so cool! It's like our own private store! *Laughs and heads off to look
Jan Di: *Smiles ruefully and looks through several dresses

Jan Di's POV

All of these dresses are so pretty, but i liked the one that i wore in the competition with Ji Hoo sunbae. *Sighs I wonder how he's doing now? He's always been the one i can count on, always there for me. He truly is my soulmate. If i wasn't with Jun Pyo, i would be with Ji Hoo. He's so kind and caring. I wonder what he meant that time when he told me that harabeoji wasn't the only reason he joined med school. He couldn't possibly mean...

"Falling asleep again, Jan Di?"

I whipped my head around.

Jan Di: S-sunbae!
Ji Hoo: *Smiles

JD: What're you doing here Sunbae?
JH: Looking for you.
JD: What?
JH: Jan Di, i have to tell you something.
JD: Sunbae...
JH: Geum Jan Di, before it's too late just let me finish my sentence this once. Geum Jan Di, saranghaeyo. I kept telling myself to get over you because you're with Jun Pyo, but i can't. I kept thinking, if only i had liked you when you had liked would have been perfect. I can't forget you Jan Di, you're my soulmate.

~At Jun Pyo's house~

Jun  Pyo's POV

I wonder if Jan Di has picked a dress yet? Maybe i should give her a call. *reaches for phone

Geum Jan Di: 01******* DIAL

You are not getting a response from the user of this phone, please try again later.

What's going on? Jan Di never doesn't answer my calls. Is she in trouble?

Jun Pyo's Mum (witch) : Jun Pyo?
Jun Pyo: *reluctantly puts down phone. what?
Witch: I just got a weird picture on my phone. It's Jan Di.
JP: What? Is she in trouble? *grabs phone from the mum
Witch: No...she's with Ji Hoo

WHAT?? she didn't answer my calls cause she was with...with Ji Hoo?

End Ep 2. Look for ep 3! :) Comment and rate pleeasee

Ji Hoo and Jan Di date! Jan-Hoo fan-fiction -ep.1-

Episode 1 of my new fan-fictio about Ji Hoo and Jan Di! Enjoy :) Check out my other story with Jan Di and Jun Pyo :)

~The same day as Jun Pyo's proposal~

Jan Di: Jun Pyo, can i talk to you for awhile?
Jun Pyo: Of course. *smiles*

Jun Pyo's POV

This is it! She's going to accept my proposal! Stupid me to think even for a second that she might like Ji Hoo. We're soulmates!

Jan Di: Sunbae...i don't...I don't think i can accept your proposal.
Jun Pyo: WHAT!?
Jan Di: *tears up* Im really sorry sunbae, i just can't.
Jun Pyo: *stunned* Just...give me a reason. (no pun intended)
Jan Di: My belongs to another.
Jan Di: Ji Hoo sunbae.
Jun Pyo: *speechless*

end episode one! This is really hard for me to write as personally, i ship Jan-Pyo but..oh well.

Jun Pyo and Jan Di marriage! Jan-Pyo -ep.1-

This is my first episode of the Jan-Pyo (Jan Di and Jun Pyo) Fan-fiction Enjoy! :)

~2 years later after Jun Pyo's proposal~

Jan Di POV

I can't believe this is really happening. I'm getting married to the man I love, Goo Jun Pyo. It wasn't easy to get to this point, there were a lot of obstacles, but...we're here. Jun Pyo's mother-oh wait no...mother wasn't easy to convince at first. She had changed to become a more loving wife and mother, but she couldn't forget everything that I had done to her. It took a lot of persuading to get to this point. I can't wait to pick out my bridal dress with Ga Eul later! -Ding!- What's that? I fished out my phone.

Jae Kyung Unnie: Haiiii little sister! I heard about you and Joon's upcoming marriage! Congrats! I'm invited,                               right? Flying over to Seoul tomorrow night! See you Jan Di! <3

Oh no. Jae Kyung unnie, I forgot about her! Stupid! I slapped myself as I quickly rang Goo Jun Pyo's phone.

JP: Geum Jan Di. Ready to ask for advice on a dress?
JD: We haven't gone yet, but oppa, I forgot about Jae Kyung unnie! Can you add her to the list?
JP: I already did. Quick go and pick out a dress! I can't believe you haven't gone! Lazy as always.
JD: You...did? Oh...okay, that's a relief. Goo Jun Pyo! How can you say that about your fiancee?
JP: Hehe.
JD: I'm hanging up.
JP: Byeee lazy
JD: Aish *hangs up*

I have to rush to the store. I'm already late! Goo Jun Pyo drives me nuts. *smiles*

Jun Pyo POV

Oh, Jan Di. I just love play fighting with you. I still can't believe you said yes to me. At one point, I thought i was going to lose you to Ji Hoo. Maybe you should have gone to him...he wouldn't have hurt you the way i did.

 *Sighs* What are you thinking, Goo Jun Pyo? Wake up! Jan Di chose just be happy about that. -Beep- A FB message from... Yoo Mi!?

Yoo Mi: Oppa, I'm really sorry i lied to you. Can we meet up?

What does this crazy chick want from me?

Jun Pyo: Aneyo. You used me when i was sick! You're crazy. Stop contacting me before i block you.
Yoo Mi: I really liked you, oppa. And you did too!

I blew my hair off my forehead in frustration.

Jun Pyo: NO i didn't. I liked you because i thought you were Jan Di! Now get lost, bugger.

I clicked "block contact" and slammed my laptop down. When i think of how that crazy imposter nearly got in the way of me and Jan makes me go crazy. Ugh.

Episode Two coming soon! Rate or comment! :)

The Sweetheart

Aww Ji Hoo oppa! I LOVE YOU JI HOO! <3 He's so sweet and caring towads Jan Di and he really loves her. :/
